Windsurfen Point-7 AC-0 Racing No Cam 2024
  • Windsurfen Point-7 AC-0 Racing No Cam 2024
  • Windsurfen Point-7 AC-0 Racing No Cam 2024
  • Windsurfen Point-7 AC-0 Racing No Cam 2024

Point-7 AC-0 Racing No Cam 2024

587,39 €

Du suchst ein Windsurfing Segel mit Slalom Performance und möchtest auf ein gutes Handling und sehr gute Wasserstart Eigenschaften nicht verzichten? Dann solltest Du Dir das Point-7 AC-0 Racing No Cam 2024 auf jeden Fall anschauen.

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Das Point-7 AC-0 Racing No Cam 2024 Race bietet Performance pur, ganz ohne Camber

Mit dem 2024 Point-7 AC-0 Racing No Cam bekommst Du ein Slalom Segel mit einem sehr guten Handling. Ermöglicht wird das durch den Verzicht auf Camber. Das Segel wird dadurch nicht nur leichter, es lässt sich zusätzlich auch besser aufbauen und hat durch die schmälere Masttasche bessere Wasserstart Eigenschaften.

Für wen ist das Point-7 AC-0 Racing No Cam 2024 geeignet?

Slalom speed seekers, who don’t like the hassle of cams. If cambered sails are not your cup of tea, then the sheer performance specs and looks of the Point-7 AC-0 Racing No Cam 2024 should be the one for you. Let the wind fill in the sail, and you’ll be smiling seeing others eating your spray! 

Bullet Points

  • Fastest slalom sail with no cams ever
  • No-cam mast sleeve and no-cambers
  • Easy handling characteristics
  • Probably the lightest seven batten no cam sail on the market
  • Excels even further in over-powered conditions
  • Power and enhanced stability in both low and high wind conditions
  • Locked-in feeling that is only comparable to a cambered sail
  • Winner of many national slalom championships in different categories


Was ist neu?

The Point-7 AC-0 Racing No Cam 2024 has been under development the whole seson to improve it's performance following the pattern of the AC-1 and AC-K. A new leach outline has been designed making the head smaller lighter and faster. A more leach opening on the mid part of the outline and a stronger closure of the top of the leach. Creating a faster release on a bigger area of the sail and a more powerful winglet effect. Donating more power and a faster speed throgh the sail.


  • 5mil Anti UV- X-ply base panel for protection from accidents. All our Ply, X-ply, and Scrims monofilm are produced in the Unites States
  • Anti-UV transparent grey window to have a 100% Anti UV-Monofilm sail
  • Lower Dacron Luff panel for extra power and comfort
  • 4mil Anti UV X-ply laminate for high reactivity
  • X-ply alternate batten pockets for lighter weight and reflex. 7 tubular battens to follow the pure slalom foil profile from the sail. Each batten is assembled easy for replacements
  • High X-ply luff panel for fast reflex
  • Full Kevlar stripes under each luff panel to increase reactivity and compensate the on cams over the boon increasing stability
  • One luff xply panel from top to bottom of the luff length to insure extra stability of the full rig

Auf dem Wasser

No need to look twice on the sail sleeve: if you can’t believe that the sail has such a superior performance with no cams, just go for the first jibe, and you will straight away realize that the AC-X has really no cams! The sail is balanced between both arms and delivers pure slalom performance to the board and fin, to keep the trim on the rail. The sail has the same wind range as a pure race sail, it has an amazing upwind performance for a non-cam sail. A deeper Dacron profile implements a comfortable drive through the jibe. The profile with Dacron layers, absorbs the chop and waves allowing more control and enabling a higher average speed across the waters. Once planing the acceleration, the AC-X provides is simply another level – it finds another gear with every subsequent gust. It demands being paired with a fast free-race or slalom board – something that has the capacity to keep up with it! When you venture into powered and overpowered conditions, you discover the AC-X’s true personality. The centre of effort is locked firmly in place yet comes from such a high location that it best suits those with an assertive riding style. It helps lift the rider’s stance and push the board’s speed, making it fly on its fin. Carry this speed into the turn and the AC-X has the balance and handling to reposition easily, the lower luff panel breathing to soften the delivery and provide the extra low- end power to complete the transition efficiently.

Der Charakter

The Point-7 AC-0 Racing No Cam 2024 is developed to be the fastest no cam sail on the water and has proved itself on many magazine tests, without having a wide mast sleeve and cambers. The high-end performance will give you the high speed that you have always dreamed about, with minimal effort and easy handling characteristics. Probably the lightest seven batten no cam sail on the market, and high-end performance of the sail that excels even further in over-powered conditions. Power and enhanced stability in both low and high wind conditions, combined with a very locked-in feeling that is only comparable to a cambered sail. Its low-cut foot encouraging the rider to lock it into a committed stance.

Rigging Tipp

The Point-7 AC-0 Racing No Cam 2024 is straightforward to rig, requiring a reasonable amount of force to counter its moderate luff curve and apply the downhaul required, guided by the visual aid in the top panel. It can rig both rdm and sdm mast, but from 6.5 up, the use of the sdm will give a better performance. Playing with the outhaul will boost up power or increase control. Tighten the lower 2-battens and the top batten, but just remove wrinkles on the other batten without overtightening them. 

Target Development

Designed to take out all the annoying details that cam sails offer but aiming to have pure slalom racing performance to annoy cam sails. All this whilst allowing the rider to save more energy and be able to stay on the water all day.


Besondere Bestellnummern


Marke: Point 7

SX3 Group srl

Via F.lli Bandiera, 2

BG 24048 Treviolo


+39 0464 520887